[…] Value of a Good Analysis Solution + Scope of Improvement + Analysis Features Used by Utilities to Save Time and Money + What is OpenFlows™ WaterGEMS ®? + Conclusion Conservative Designs and Estimation — Are You Saving or Losing Money? Water distribution systems supply communities with the vital service […]
How OpenFlows ™ WaterGEMS ® Can Help You 11 Ways to Advance Traditional Water Distribution Modeling and Management Tr ying to describe how Bentley’s OpenFlows WaterGEMS (and OpenFlows WaterCAD ®) can help a water system engineer or operator can be difficult. Users need to think of the software not as tool, but rather a […]
[…] CONDITIONS AND PERFORMANCE TABLE OF CONTENTS + Tackling the Data Influx + What Prevents Utilities from Making Data-driven Decisions? + Advancing Digitalization with Digital Twins + Why OpenFlows ⢠+ Real-time Operational Decision Support + Predictive Business Intelligence + Risk-based Pipe Renewal & Capital Planning + Quenching the Thirst for Information 2 Image courtesy […]
OpenFlows WaterSight helps the brazilian utility improve leak detection and optimize operational workflows
OpenFlows Storm Ultimate OpenFlows Storm Advanced OpenFlows Storm Standard OpenFlows Storm Essentials Sizing (inlets, links, ponds) unlimited inlets unlimited links unlimited ponds unlimited inlets ≤ 250 links unlimited ponds ≤ 50 inlets ≤ 50 links and ≤3 ponds ≤ 10 inlets and ≤ 1 pond Interoperability Run OpenFlows Storm within MicroStation ®*, OpenRoads […]
OpenFlows Storm Ultimate OpenFlows Storm Advanced OpenFlows Storm Standard OpenFlows Storm Essentials Sizing (inlets, links, ponds) unlimited inlets unlimited links unlimited ponds unlimited inlets ≤ 250 links unlimited ponds ≤ 50 inlets ≤ 50 links and ≤3 ponds ≤ 10 inlets and ≤ 1 pond Interoperability Run OpenFlows Storm within MicroStation ®*, OpenRoads […]
[…] and analyze sustainable water systems, as well as solve both everyday and long-term engineering challenges in operations and maintenance. 11 of 26 Bentley’s Water Network Engineering solution OpenFlows ™ Water, part of Bentley’s Water Network Engineering solution, is intuitive, hydraulic modeling software used by thousands of engineers to improve th e design and understanding […]
[…] OpenRail Overhead Line Designer OpenRail Overhead Line Designer OpenRail Overhead Line Designer OpenRail Overhead Line Designer OpenBridge Modeler ® OpenTunnel Designer OpenBridge ModelerOpenTunnel Designer OpenTunnel ® Designer OpenFlows OpenTunnel Designer OpenBridge Modeler OpenFlows ™ Use the applications to reference model/ documents to verify accuracy of construction. Use the applications to hand off the digital […]
OpenFlows WaterGEMS is a hydraulic modeling application for water distribution systems with advanced interoperability, geospatial model building, optimization, and asset management capabilities. From fire flow and water quality analyses to energy consumption and cost management, OpenFlows WaterGEMS provides an easy-to-use environment for engineers to analyze, design, and optimize water distribution systems. SUPERIOR INTEROPERABILITY […]
[…] effective workflow. Plan Design AnalyzeConstruct Operate OpenRoads ConceptStation OpenRoads DesignerOpenRoads DesignerOpenRoads DesignerOpenRoads Designer OpenRoads Designer OpenBridge ModelerOpenTunnel Designer OpenBridge ModelerOpenTunnel Designer OpenBridge Modeler ® OpenTunnel ® Designer OpenFlows OpenTunnel Designer OpenBridge Modeler OpenFlows ™ Use the applications to reference model/ documents and verify accuracy of construction Use the applications to hand off the digital […]
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