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Änderungen des Programmvertrags

Bentley’s commercial program agreements are updated from time to time. Explore our resources for detailed guidance on the updates that went into effect July 1, 2024.

Below are answers to some of our most commonly asked questions regarding the changes to our contract structure and content.

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Please refer to the Change Log applicable to your commercial program agreement, which provides details of the latest modifications.

Prior to 2023, the SELECT Program Agreement was our primary license agreement that defined the legal parameters of how accounts could use our software and services and what they were entitled to from Bentley. Although the agreement is titled the SELECT Program Agreement, it also had been a prerequisite for other license programs, including Enterprise 365 (E365) and Enterprise 365 Public Sector (EPS or EPS-365). Post 2023, The SELECT Program Agreement has become one of three separate agreements applicable to each of our commercial programs (SELECT, Enterprise 365, Enterprise 365 – Public Sector); accounts will execute a separate, standalone agreement specific to the commercial program to which they subscribe.

In addition to an update to content, we streamlined the contracting process in line with both industry best practices and our current enterprise licensing programs. Further details on the contract process change are provided in the question below.

Contract Structure: The pre-2023 SELECT Program Agreement was a platform, or framework, with exhibits that cover specific program terms or subject matter areas. The structure released in 2023 includes three separate agreements, applicable to each of our commercial programs (SELECT, Enterprise 365, Enterprise 365 – Public Sector); accounts will execute a separate, standalone agreement specific to the commercial program to which they subscribe. Accounts will now be agreeing to terms relevant only to the specific commercial program to which they are subscribing. Contract Update: Prior to 2023, the last update to the agreement was in 2014, so it was due for a refresh. Please refer to the redline version for a detailed look at what changed and why.

Mit diesem gestrafften Ausführungsprozess können wir einige Schritte vermeiden. Kunden erhalten ein Angebotsdokument, das eine URL enthält. Der Kunde kann diesem Link folgen und hat nicht nur Zugang zu den Vertragsbedingungen, sondern auch zu Leitfäden, in denen die neue Vertragsstruktur und die Unterschiede zwischen den alten und den neuen Verträgen erläutert werden. Durch die Annahme unserer Standardbedingungen können Kunden den Vertragsprozess einseitig abschließen, indem sie einfach ein unterzeichnetes Angebotsdokument an Bentley zurücksenden. Für viele Konten dürfte dies die Transaktionen (auf der Vertragsseite) erheblich beschleunigen.

CSS is not changing, but the CSS terms and conditions are now embedded in the SELECT and Enterprise 365 contracts. Enterprise 365 fees MUST be funded via CSS, so those terms will always be relevant to Enterprise 365 subscriptions. Only certain offerings (e.g., PWDI) under SELECT require CSS funding, so those terms will only be relevant to subscribers when/if they use CSS Eligible Services.

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